How to Making Briquette Coconut Charcoal Shell
Briquette coconut - The natural wealth in the form of coconuts grown in Indonesia is constantly being explored and developed for its exploitation. Roots, stems, leaves, fruits, and flowers are used in human life but are still being studied to optimize their use. For example, coconut fiber sometimes remains as a residue that can be burned. In fact, it can be optimized for use in briquette charcoal.Till today, charcoal briquettes are used for household, commercial and industrial purposes. Briquettes are simpler and cleaner than charcoal, so people are more interested in using them. In this study, the production of coconut shell charcoal briquettes using wheat flour as a binder was investigated. Coal grain size and glue concentration have a great influence on the quality of the briquettes produced.Charcoal powder is mixed with glue in various concentrations, then shaped and baked. Using a 1:1 ratio of carbon mass to glue volume, the results obtained were quite good with a carbon particle size of 40 mesh and a glue concentration of 3%. At this condition, briquette coconut was obtained with a moisture content of 1.71%, an ash content of 1.5%, and a burning rate of 0.054 g/min.

Process for Making Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes

Carbonization Process Manual Handling of Barrels:
  • Place the coconut shell in the barrel. Then close the lid and cook until only small holes remain in the coal barrel.
Carbonization by pyrolysis
  • Place the coconut shell in a sealed container for pyrolysis.
  • In addition, smoke clouds condense into liquid smoke.
  • The flour and charcoal burnt by hand or by pyrolysis methods are then pulverized using a disc mill.
  • In the filtration process, after the charcoal passes through the grinding process, it is filtered to produce soft and smooth coconut shell charcoal. The trick is to filter using a 50 mesh sieve.
  • In the mixing medium, flattened coconut shell flour was mixed with water and starch glue with a dosage of 2.5% coconut shell flour starch glue.
  • After you have mixed all the ingredients well and done the molding process with the molding machine, mold the coconut briquette.
  • Drying involves drying the final printed briquettes in a 650-degree C oven for about 2 hours, this drying can also be done in direct sunlight.
This is the end of the article explaining the process of making charcoal briquettes from coconut shell and lighting the charcoal briquettes for cooking or cooking food. I hope the information provided is easy to understand and useful to the readers. Thank you very much.Read Also: Digital Tv Antenna For Remote Area

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